Preface Vol 29
<plain_text><page sequence="1">Preface This volume is the first to appear in its new format, and reflects the aim of the Society to make its publications known and available on as wide a basis as possible. It reflects also the desire of the Society to show itself involved not only in the history of the Jewish communities in the British Isles but also of all those who directly or indirectly came into contact with British Jewry. This has for some years been increasingly reflected in the range of papers included in the programme of lectures delivered under the auspices of the Society. It was thereafter obvious that if a lecture had been delivered under the Society's auspices it should be published by it. There remained, however, a feeling that the Society was not particularly interested in the history of communities outside these islands. It is to eradicate such an impression that the Society has now made this change. A further difference is marked in this volume. The Society had earlier differentiated between lectures delivered to the Society, and Miscellanies, papers which had not been delivered or which were by the nature of their contents unsuitable for such delivery. In consequence, previous editors or chairmen of publications who have wanted to offer a permanent home to particular papers, have had to resort to some artifice to include them. This volume emphasizes the new policy of paying more attention to the nature of the paper offered, than to whether it has been delivered. The policy will still be, naturally, to invite those who have lectured to the Society to submit their papers for publication, and such lectures will certainly provide the bulk of this and succeeding volumes. It is hoped, however, that many who are not in a position to lecture to the Society will feel able to submit papers for considera? tion by the Publications Committee. This volume was to have been in honour of Richard Barnett and as a token of the esteem in which he was held by the Society. Unfortunately, delays which have been inevitable, but which are doubly regretted, have meant that it contains essays in memory of him. Elsewhere tributes are paid, but as Chairman of the Publications Committee it is my melancholy task to pay my own tribute to my predecessor in that office. There have been worthy Chairmen of Publications in the Society, but none have laid the Society under a greater obligation. Both in the publications which he himself offered to the Society, and the many kindnesses he offered to others, he was beyond compare. No young scholar asked him for advice on publication in vain, and indeed even after he surrendered office he was always available when his successor found technical difficulties crowding in on him. One of his aims was to complete the publication of The Exchequer of the Jews, and this must now remain of the highest priority to the Society. xi</page><page sequence="2">Preface Since the appearance of the previous volume Professor Abramsky has completed his term as President and has been succeeded by Rabbi Dr David Goldstein and Mr Lewis Shane. Meetings Since the last list of lectures was published in Transactions XXVIII, p. xi, the following lectures have been delivered: 1983- 4 Dorothy Stone, llbjp Louis Golding-the Manchester novelist Dr K. E. Collins Jewish medical students at the Scottish universities, 1730-1870 L. T. S. Littman The creation of the Littman Library of Jewish Civilisation Robert Van Pelt Synagogue architecture in early-modern Europe Dr Marian Berghan German-Jewish refugees in Britain Professor David Vital Israel Zangwill and modern Jewish nationalism G. L. Green The Anglo-Jewish trading connections with the officers and seamen of the Royal Navy, 17 40-1820 Professor Chimen Abramsky Luden Wolfs efforts for the Jewish communities in Central and Eastern Europe Dr Norma Perry Voltaire and the Sephardi bankrupt Judge Israel Finestein Sir Moses Montefiore-a modern assessment 1984- 5 Rabbi Dr David Goldstein Jews and Robert Browning: fiction and fact Dr Marc Levene Anglo-Jewish foreign policy in crisis -Luden Wolf and the Conjoint Committee and the War, 1914-1918 C. C. Aronsfeld The first Anti-Jewish International and Court Chaplain Adolf St?cke fs 1883 visit to London xii</page><page sequence="3">Preface Bryan Cheyette The Jewish stereotype and Anglo-Jewish fiction, 1880-1920 (Joint Lectures) Michael Brown The Jews of 18th-century Bath and Judith Samuel The Jews of 19th-century Bath Derek Davis The inquisition of Malta and the Jews Rabbi Dr Abraham Levy The Court Rabbi in 15th-century Castile Professor Ursula Henriques Lyons v. Thomas: The Jewish Abduction Case of 1868 David Feldman London's Jewish East End, 1880-1920 Dr Lloyd P. Gartner East European Jewish immigrants in England: a quarter-century's view 1985-6 Rosalyn Livshin The acculturation of the children of immigrant Jews in Manchester, 1890-1930 Rabbi Dr David Goldstein Charles ITs Hebrew books Anthony Seymour Jewries of the Ionian Islands Dr Anthony Joseph Links with Lincoln Jewry: i8th-20th centuries Professor Charles Beckingham The travels of Pantaleao de Aveiro, 1362-1565 Malcolm Brown The Jews of Hackney before 1840 Beth-Zion Lask Abrahams The first years of the London Society for the Promotion of Christianity amongst the Jews Dr David Abulafia A Jewish community of Western Sicily in the late Middle Ages: Erice around 1300 Dr Anthony Polonsky Interwar Poland-good for the Jews or bad for the Jews! Dr David S. Katz The Abendana brothers and the Christian hebraists of 17th-century England xiii</page><page sequence="4">Preface Dr David Cesarani Anti-alienism in England after the First World War Dr Stanley Chapman The establishment of Nathan Meyer Rothschild as a banker Research The Society is anxious to foster historical research at all levels. The prize presented by the West London Synagogue of British Jews already exists at one level to encourage research, and the Society is glad to be able to announce the foundation of an essay prize, donated in memory of Jessie and Arthur Barnett, designed to be awarded by open competition, held under the auspices of the Society. This competition, it is hoped, will stimulate interest in as wide an area as possible in various aspects of Jewish history. Branches It is always pleasing to report the activities of the Birmingham branch, which continues to go from strength to strength. It is equally pleasing to record the activities of the branch of the Society in Leeds, and it is hoped that in other parts of the country branches will also take root. At all events, it is very important to note the growing interest at local level in the roots of provincial British Jewry. The latest has been the foundation of a collection of local Jewish records in Glasgow. One of the activities in which the Society has been involved has been the Museum of the Jewish East End, now established as the Sternberg Centre, together with a Research Seminar on the history of the Jewish East End. This seminar is particularly linked with the Society, its co-chairmen being Dr David Cesarani and myself, both members of the Council of the Society. Personalia This is the last volume for which I am responsible as Chairman of Publications. The Council has agreed to re-establish the Research Committee and to ask me to be its chairman. Malcolm Brown has very kindly agreed to succeed me as Chairman of the Publications Committee. To him and to the Editor of the Society I offer my thanks and my best wishes. For compiling the index to this volume we are grateful to Sue Wagstaff. The design of the cover is by Richard Foenander. Aubrey Newman xiv</page></plain_text>