Index Vol 16
<plain_text><page sequence="1">Index Aaron of Lincoln, 89 Aaron of York, 89, 215 Abbot, George, Archbishop of Canterbury, 116 Abdul Mejid, Sultan, 70 Abenjaish, Solomon, see Mendes, Alvaro Abjuration, Oath of, 155-7, Aboab (1), Isaac, 196, 201 AbolafB, Haham, 68 Abolaffiah (Abollafiah), see Bolaffey Abrabanel, Don Isaac, 108, 114, 126, 193, 194, 232 Abraham of Berkhamsted, 93 ; ? bar Samuel (Apostate), 78, 80-7 Abrahams, Sir Adolphe, 154 ; ? Berend, 149 ; ? Harold, 154; Israel, 121; ?Leslie Lionel, 154 ; ? Sir Sidney, 154. Adler, Michael, 78, 121, 122 Africa, Jews of North, 7 Aguilar family, 148 n.; ?Emanuel (1), 138, 148 n. ; ? Emanuel (2), 138, 146, 148 n. ; ? Grace, 137-48 ; ? Harold Felix, 148 n. ; ?Henry, 138, 148 n. ; ? Rebecca and Lydia, 148 n.; ? Sarah, 138, 139, 140, 141, 144, 147, 148 n. Albigensian Heresy, The, 30 Alderson, Baron, 155, 157 Alex, Ephraim, 17 Alexander, Michael Solomon, 159 Alexandrian School, 26, 28 Alfonso V, of Portugal, 124-5 > ? de Espana, 213 Alleman, Diego Lopez, 165 Alsace, 4, 8 America, North, 7, 9 ; ? South, 9 American Jewish Historical Society, 225 Andrada, Manuel, 166-7, 169, 170, 171, 173, 174, 175, 180-1, 183 Aries, Dunstan, 166 Antonio, Don, 164, 166, 167, 168, 171, 176, 182, 183, 184 Aqua dTngleterra, 227 Aquinas, Thomas, 28 Arabs, The, 9 Archa, 93 Aristotle, 28, 197 Art Journal, The, 145, 146 Ashkenazi Dispersion, 7 Ashley, James, 149-151 ; ? Lord, see Shaftes bury, Earl of Ashmole, Elias, 77, 78 Assize of Jewry, 64 Augustine, St., 102 Autonomism, 229 Avila, Gomez d', 175, 176-7, 178 Bacon, Anthony, 169, 176, 182-3, ^4 5 ? Francis, 111, 118-9 Badge, The, 30 Balfour Declaration, The, 101, 234 Bank of England, 43 Bar Cochba, Revolt of, 1 Baring, Sir Thomas, 54, 57 24 Barrington, Sir Thomas, 116, 117 Baxter, Nadir, 158 Beauclerk, Lady Diana, 144 Becon, Thomas, 103 Bedford, 152-3 Benisch, Abraham, 143 Benjamin, Mr. Maurice, 20-21 Bennet, Rev. Dr., 61 Bentubo, Esther, see Buzaglo Berkeley, Bishop, 188 Beth Din of London, 161 Bevis Marks Synagogue, 38, 45 n., 224 Bidwell, John, 51, 54, 58 Blood Accusation, The Damascus, see Damascus Affair Blood Accusation at Rhodes, see Rhodes Board of Deputies of British Jews, 54, 55, 56, 61 Board of Guardians, Jewish, 17, 18, 20-21 Bohemia, Jews of, 4 Bolaffey (Bolaffi), Hayim Vita (Hananel), 224-5 ; ? Michael (Michele), 223-4 ; ? Moses Daniel, 223 Bolingbroke, Lord, 188 Boll, T., 187 Bond, E. A., 92 Bracton, 74 Braganza, Duke of, 164, 172, 173, 182 Braham, John, 130, 224 Brampton, Sir Edward, 121-7 Brand?o, Henrique, 127 Brandon (Brand?o), Edward, see Brampton, Sir Edward Briggs (Merchant of Alexandria), 64 Brightman, Thomas, 107-8, no, 112, 114, 115, "9 Bryce, Lord, 16 Buber, Martin, 232 Bucer, Martin, 102-3 Burghley, Lord, 105, 106, 168-171, 174, 178, 181, 182, 183 Burnet, Thomas, 119 Busher, Leonard, 107 Butler, Bishop, 204 Buxtorf. 204 Buzaglo family, 36 n. ; ? Abraham (William), 36, 38, 42, 44, 45 ; ? (Bentubo), Esther, 38-9, 40-3, 44, 45 ; ?Jacob, 42-3, 44 ; ? Shalom, 35-6, 41-2, 44 ; ? Solomon, 35-45 ; ? de Paz, Joseph, 37, 38-42, 43 Byzantine Empire, 10 Cabbalah, 104 Calabrese, Hayyim Vital, 114 Calvin, 102 Cambridge, Duke of, 224 Campbell, Lord, 158 Carlos, Don, 164 Carnarvon, Lord, 221 Caro,. Joseph, 33, 195 Caroline, Queen, 185-6 Garvajal, Antonio Fernandes, 227 Casaubon, Isaac, 204, 205 1</page><page sequence="2">248 INDEX Castro, Paul de, 143, 145 Catharine of Braganza, 226, 227 Catholic Emancipation Act, 156 Cecil, Robert, Earl of Salisbury, 178-9, 181 Chabor, Joseph, King of, 104 Chambers* Miscellany. 145 Channell, Sergeant, 155 Charities, Access by Jews to public, 152 Charles II, King, 226 Charles X, of Sweden, 7 Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, 124 Chiliasm, 102 Chmielnicki, Hetman, 6, 7, 79 Choisy, Professor, 102 Christian Church, Growth of, 26, 27-8 Christianity among the Jews, Society for Promoting, 78, 81 Churchill, Lord Randolph, 19 Cinque Ports Admiralty Court, 14 Clarke, B., 161 ; ?John, Dean of Salisbury, 185, 187, 189, 190, 191-2, 205 ; ? Samuel, 186-7, l88> l89 Clavering, Robert, 206 Clive, Kitty, 130, 133 Cobbett, Richard, 130 Cochelet, French Consul-General in Alexandria, 56, 63, 64, 68 Cohen, Abraham, 55 ; ? Alfred, 21 ; ? Arthur, Q.C., 11, 13-17, 23; ? Ben? jamin (of Amersfoort), 11 ; ? Sir Ben? jamin, Bart., 20, 21 ; ? Sir Benjamin 15 ; ? Mr. Ernest, 11 ; ? Miss Hannah, 21 ; ? Sir Leonard, 19-23 ; ? Levi Barent, 11-13 ; ? Lionel Louis, 17-19 ; ?Louis, 64, 65, 67 ; ? Miss Lucy, 15, 23 Cohn, Albert, 63 Coke, Sir Edward, 73-4, 75, 76, 117, 153-4 Colburn (Publisher), 144, 145 Cole, William, 133, 134, 135 Collet, S., 120 Colyer-Fergusson, Sir Thomas, 226 Commerce, Jews and, in Medieval England, 89 Comte, Auguste, 232 Conorte, Abraham, 55 Consistoire General, 55, 56, 63 Constantinople, Jews of, 54, 55, 60 Conybeare, John, 186 Cordovero, Moses, 114 Cortes?o, Dr. Amando, 122 Cossacks, The, 6-7 Coveney, Susanne, 81. Cremieux, Adolphe, 55, 56, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67-70 Cromwell, Oliver, 104, 222 Crosland, Mrs. Newton, 144 Crusades, The, 2-4 Culverwell, Nathaniel, 187, 204 " Damascus Affair, The," 47-71 Danckwerts, William Otto, 160 Defoe, 129 Deism, 185-190 Denmark, 7 Derham, Bishop, 10 Despenser, Baroness, see Lee Dias Fernandez, Benjamin, 138 Dicey, Albert Venn, 15, 60 Disabilities, Jewish, 152-8 Disputations, Christian-Jewish, 29-30, 31 Divorce Questions, 35-6 Dominicans, The, 31 Domus Conversorum, The, 52, 121, 123, 126 Dow, John G., 103 Draxe, Thomas, 106-7, 108 Dubnow, Simon, 229-236 Duns Scotus, 105 Duran, Profiat, 213 Duschinsky, Charles, 35, 36 Dutton, Mr. S. W., 130 Dyer, Lord, 75 East, Jews of the, 8-9 Educational Charities, Participation in, 152-4 Edward I, King, 90, 92, 95, 213 Edward IV, King, 121, 123, 124, 125 Eleazar ben Isaiah, see Isaiah, Paul Eldon, Lord, 152, 154 Elias fil Moses, 90 Elijah, the Martyr, of York, 215 Elizabeth, Queen, 163, 169, 170, 173, 177, 178 180, 181-2, 183, 184 Ellis, Welbore (Lord Mendip), 132-3 Emden, Jacob, 36 Encyclopaedia Britannic a, 122 England, Readmission of Jews to, 79, 104, 119, 222-3. See also Expulsion " Englands Deplorable Condition," 222 Ephraim of Bonn, 213, 215, 216 Ericeyra, Conde a", 122 Escobar, Antonio de, 166 Essex, Earl of, 169, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 178, 180, 181-2, 183, 184 Exchequer of the Jews, see Jewish Exchequer Exilarch, The, 9 Expulsion of the Jews from England, 74, 213 Fagius, Paul, 204 Feldman, Dayan Asher, 161 Fenner, Dudley, no Ferdinand, Philip, 105, 111 Ferrara de Gama, see Gama Ferrer, Vincent, 32 Fetherston, William, 123 Fifth Monarchy, The, 103, 119 Finance, Jews and, in Medieval England, 89-96 Finch, Sir Henry, 101-120; ? John, 118; ? Sir Thomas, no Finlay, Viscount, 140 Fioris, Joachim de, 102 Firman of the Sultan, 66, 69-71 Fletcher, Giles, 108-9, II0> 120 Forsyth, John?Secretary of State, 60 Fould, Achille, 63 France, Jews of, 3, 4-5 Franco, David, 130 ; ? Moses, 131 ; ?Ralph (Raphael), 130-1 ; ? Solomon, 77 Frankists, The, 232 Franks, Aaron, 129, 130, 150; ?David, 130; ? Moses, 130 French Revolution, 4, 5, 8</page><page sequence="3">INDEX 249 Friedenwald, Dr. Harry, 226 Froude, J. A., 221 Fuentes, Count, 173, 174, 175, 178, 179, 180 Fuller, Thomas, 119 Gainsborough, 130, 131 Gama, Stephen Ferrara de, 170-1, 172, 173, 174? !75> 176, i77> I7Q> l79> l?o> l83> 184 Garcia de Resende, 127 Gazette des Tribuneaux, 63 Geiger, Abraham, 232, 233 Gentleman*s Magazine, 134, 226 Germany, Jews of, 3, 6, 7 Ghetto, The, 30, 33 Giffard, Sir John, 153 Giles, Daniel, 130 Goldsmid, Abraham, 12 ; ? Augustus, 155 ; ? Benjamin, 12 ; ? George, 12 ; ? Sir Isaac Lyon, 152 Gomez ? , 177 ; ?Violante, 164, 165 Gooch, Dr. G. P., 103 Goodhart, Prof. A. L., 11, 162 Goodman, Paul, 38 Gordon Riots, The, 131 Gordon, Lord George, 131-2 Gott, Samuel, 119 Gouge, William, 111, 112, 116 Graetz, Heinrich, 231, 233 Granville, Earl, 14 Great Synagogue, London, 61, 129, 152, 154 Gray, Thomas, 129 Green, John Richard, 102 Grey, Sir George, 221 Guizot, Pierre, 56 Gulkowitsch, Lazar, 232 Habermann, Mr. A. M., 213, 216 Hackney Mercury, The, 147 Haidamacks, The, 7 Haldane, Lord Chancellor, 158 Hale, Lord Chief Justice, 74 Hall, Mrs. S. C, 145, 146 Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard, 109 Hanworth, Lord, 161 Harari, David, 48 Harcourt, Sir William, 14, 135 Harpur Foundation, 152 Hart, Moses, 129-130, 131 Hartley, David, 120 Hasdai ibn Shaprut, 5 Hassidic Movement, 232 Hawkins, Miss Laeticia, 129 Hebraists, Christian, 31, 190-7 Heine, 47 Henriques, H. S. Q,., 121 ; ?Joseph Gutteres, 53> 55 Henry III, King, 92, 94-5 Henry VII, King, 121, 127 Henry, Cardinal, 164 Herbert of Cherbury, Lord, 187 Heresy in Christendom, 30-31 Herford, Dr. Travers, 191 Hermione, The, 134 Hernando, Diego, 176, 178 Herrera, Abraham Cohen de, 114 Hertz, Joseph Herman, 236-8 Hickey, William, 129, 132, 133, 134 Hillel ben Samuel of Verona, 28 Hindoos, Oaths of, 73 Hirsch, Baron Maurice de, 159 Hirschel, Chief Rabbi Solomon, 55 Hodges, Col.?British Consul-General, 53-6, 58-9, 63, 64 Holland, Jews of, 7, 9 Hollier (Holyard), Thomas, 227 Host, Desecration of the, 2 Hounsell, Rebecca, 81-5, 87 Houses, Ownership of, by Jews, 90 Hume, David, 187 ; ? Major Martin, 163, 168 Hussites, The, 4 Hyamson, A. M., Mr., 101, 122 Ibarra, Diego, 183 ; ?, Secretary Stephen, 173, i74> 175, 177, 178, 180 Ibn Ezra, Abraham, 193 Ibrahim Pasha, 51 Inland Revenue, Commissioners of, 160-2 Inquisition, The, 31, 148 Isaiah, Paul, 77-87 Isleworth, 129 Italian financiers, 93, 94 Italy, Jews of, 17 Jacobs, Joseph, 213, 237;?Justice Simeon, 221-2 James I, King, 115, 116, 118 Jenkinson, Sir Hilary, 121 Jerusalem, 101, 102, 104 ; ?Jews of, 7 Jessey, Henry, 78, 82-3 "Jew Bill of 1753," The, 149 Jewish Board of Deputies, see Board of Deputies Jewish Board of Guardians, 17, 18, 20-21 Jewish Chronicle, The, 17, 18, 19, 138, 143 Jewish Colonization Association, 21, 22, 23, 159-160 Jewish Exchequer, The, 91 Jewish Historical Society, The, 237 Jewish National Fund, The, see Keren Kayemeth Le Israel Jewry, Statute of, 70 John, King, 91 John (Jo?o), II, King of Portugal, 126, 164 Josce of York, 215 Joseph, of Chartres, 214 ; ? Michael, 152, 153 ; ? ben Nathan, the Official, 29 Journal des Debats, Le, 55, 63 Judah, The Hasid, Rabbi, 196 Judaism, Development of, 26 J?dische Wissenschaft, 232 Justices of the Jews, 95-6 Kant, Immanuel, 186, 187 Kelly, Sir Fitzroy, 155, 156 Keren Kayemeth Le Israel, 160-2 Kett, Francis, 105-6, 117 ; ? Robert, 105 Khazars, The, 5-6, no Kimchi, Jacob, 35 Kimhi, David, 193 King Edward's Hospital Fund, 22 Knollys, Hanserd, 119</page><page sequence="4">250 INDEX Lacy, James, 131 Ladies' Magazine, 143 Land, Jewish Ownership of, 90 Lateran Council, Fourth, 30 Laud, Archbishop William, 117, 118 Laurin (Austrian Consul-General in Alexan? dria), 49, 66 Lawrence, Lord Justice, 161 Lee, Lord Chief Justice, 76 ; ? Rachel Fanny Antonina (Baroness Despenser), 224 ; ? Samuel, 108-9 Leeser, Isaac, 138, 141-2, 143, 144 Leibniz, Gottfried, 206 Leicester, Earl of, 169 Leoni (Lyon), Myer, 129, 130 Leopold William, Archduke, 80 n. Lepanto, Battle of, 116 Levy, Judith, 130 ; ? Michael Abraham, 152 Lewis, Samuel, 21 Lightfoot, John, 190, 205 Lindo, E. H., 226 ; ? Elias, 148 n. Lissack, Moses (Morris), 154 Lively, Edward, 204 Lloyd's Evening Post, 134 Locke, John, 185, 186 Loewe, Louis, 61, 62, 66-9 London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews, 54, 57 Lopez, Dr. Ruy (Rodrigo), 163-184 Lore burn, Lord, 15, 160 Lost Ten Tribes, 106, 108, 109, no, 114 Louis XI, King, 124 Louis Philippe, King, 56, 71 Lovers of Zion, 158 Low, Warren, 22 Luria, Isaac, 33, 114 Luther, Martin, 33 Lyon, Joseph, of Bedford, 152-3 ; ? Myer, see Leoni Lyra, Nicholas de, 33 McCaul, Alexander, 57 Macky, John, 129 Mac Mill an, Lord, 162 Macray, Rev. W. D., 80 Madden, Richard Robert, 62, 67 Madox, History of the Exchequer, 75 Magna Carta, 92, 96 Magnus, Kate, Lady, 137 ; ? Laurie, 17 Mahomet II of Turkey, 10 Maimonides, 28, 97-100, 195-6, 200, 201, 206 ; ? Philosophy of, 97-9 Manasseh ben Israel, 7, 60, 197, 203, 206, 222 Manchester Meeting, 60 Mann, Sir Horace, 129, 134 Mansion House Meeting, 59-60 Manuel, Don, 171-4, 177, 180 Marlowe, Christopher, 104 Marques, Rodrigo, 167-9 Marranos, 104, 151, 164, 169 Martin, Baron, 155, 157 Martinez, Ferrand, 32 Martini, Raymund, 31 Massacres of Jews, 31-2 Massias, Esther, 44 " Mayflower, The," 115 Mede (Mead), Joseph, 118 Medici, Catharine de, 165 Mehemet Ali, 48, 49, 50, 53-6, 58, 62-9 Meldola, Raphael, 55, 224, 225 Melsa, Abbey of, 95 Melsa Chronicle, 94 Menachem ben Jacob, 213 Mendes, Alvaro, 165-6, 169, 184 ; ? Dr. Antonio, 227 ; ? Dr. Fernando, 226-7 Mendip, Lord, see Ellis, Welbore Mendoza, Don Bernardino de, 167 Merllato (Merlato), G. S., Austrian Consul, 47, 48"50, 55, 67 Messianism, 102, 103 Metternich, 49, 70 Mexborough, Earl of, 226 Mill, John Stuart, 230 Millenarianism, 102, 103, 105, 109, 118 Millennium, 101 Miller v. Salomons, 154-8 Milton, John, 119 Miquez, Jo?o, see Nasi, Don Joseph Mitylene, Duke of, see Mendes, Alvaro Mocatta, Moses, 140 ; ? Library and Museum, 236 Molko, Solomon, 104, 106, 109, 118 Moneylending, 92 et seq. Montagu, Edward Wortley, 151-2 ; ? Lady Mary Wortley, 152 ; ? Samuel and Co., 158 Montefiore, Claude, 16, 23 ; ? Lady, 66 ; ? Mr. Leonard, 21-2 ; ? Sir Moses, 8, 13, 15? 54, 61-71 Montfort, Simon de, 66 Moravians in Courts of Law, 155 More, John, 83 ; ? Thomas, 103 Mornins Post, The, 131 Moro, Don Cristofero de, 164, 168, 171, 176, 179, 180 Mortgages held by Jews in Medieval England, 90 Moses of Coucy, Rabbi, 75 Moslem Power, 9 Moslems, Oaths of, 73 Mosse, son of Sarah, 215 Muhammad, 29 M?nk, Salomon, 62, 66, 68-9 M?nster, Sebastian, 85, 204 Napoleon I, 8 Napoleonic Wars, 224 Nasi, Joseph, Duke of Naxos, 104, 166 Nathan, Sir Frederic, 221 ; ? Jonah, 221 ; ? Sir Matthew, 221 ; ? Sir Robert, 221 ; ? Walter, 221 Nationalism, Diaspora, 235 Nelson, Lord, 224 Nesselrode, Count, 60 Neubauer, Adolf, 80 New Christians, 31, see also Marranos New Synagogue, The, 152, 154 Newton, Sir Isaac, 119 New York Meeting, 60 Nicholas III, Pope, 32 Nicolai, Johann, 204</page><page sequence="5">INDEX 251 Nieto, Isaac, 38, 45 n. Notestein, Wallace, 116 Nunez, Isaac Fernandez, 133-5 Oath in English Law, The Non-Christian, 73-6 Occam, William of, see William of Occam Occident, The, 138, 143-4 O'Connell, Daniel, 59, 225 Oldenburg, Henry, 119 Omichund v. Barker, 73, 76 Origen, 102 Orobio de Castro, Isaac, 140 Ossory, Lady, 130, 132, 133 Oxford, Petition of, 94 Paiba, see Payba. Palestine, Jews of, 3 ; ? Mandate, 158 ; ? Settlement of Jews in, 10, 101, 103, 104, 105, 119, 159, 161-2 Palmerston, Lord, 52-5, 57, 59, 60-4, 71 Parke, Baron, 155 " Parliament," The Jewish, 91 Parliamentary Oaths, 154-8 Parr, Richard, 86 Paul, St., 30 Payba, Abraham, 151-2 Paz, Buzaglo de, see Buzaglo Pearse, James, 227 Peel, Sir Robert, 83 Perez, Antonio, 183, 184 Philip II of Spain, 164, 166, 168, 170, 174, 175, 180, 183, 184 Phillimore, Joseph, 153 Philo, 26 Picciotto, Isaac, 48 ; ?James, 129 Pieritz, Rev. G. W., 57-9 Plantavit, Jean, 204 Pococke, Edward, 205 Poland, 3, 6, 7, 234 Pollard, Albert Frederick, 122 Pollock, Lord Chief Baron, 155, 157-8 Ponsonby, Lord, 50-3, 60-2 Pope, Alexander, 129 Popes, The, 30, 32, 49, 71 Portugal, 152 ; ? Crown of, 164 Prado, Abraham, 132-3 Prideaux, John, Bishop of Worcester, 117-8 Prynne, William, 77-8 Pugio Fidei, The, 31 Pym, John, 116, 117 Quakers in Courts of Law, 155, 156 Quran, 29 Radziwill, Prince Boguslav, 79 Ramsay, Alexander (Pseudo-Jew), 77-8 Raphael family, 226 ; ? Alexander, 225-6 ; ? R., 152 Rashi, 33 Ratti Menton, Count de, 47-9, 51, 56, 62, 63, 67, 69 Razsviet, The, 232, 233 Readmission of the Jews to England, see England Reformation, The, 33 Resh Galutha, The, 9 Reubeni, David, 104, 106, 109 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 130 Rhineland, Jews of the, 3 Rhodes, Jews of, 95 ; ? Blood Accusation, 53, 54-5, 60, 61, 69, 70 Richard I, King, 91, 94 Richard III, King, 125 Ripon, Bishop of, 57 Ritual Murder Charges, 2,31. See also Damascus Affair and Rhodes Rivarolo, Cardinal, 71 Robeley v. Langston, 74 Roberts. James, see Payba. Abraham Robinson, Nathaniel, 78, 82-3. Rodrigues, Jessurun, see Salvador Roman Catholic Oaths, 156 Romilly, Sir Samuel, 153 Rose, Sir George, 57 Roth, Mr. Cecil, 11, 38, 120 Rothschild, Baron Lionel de, 54, 62 ; ? Nathan Mayer, 12 Rowlatt, Mr. Justice, 161 Rubens, Mr. Alfred, 134 Russell, Lord John, 135 Russia, Jews in, 5, 234 Russky Yevrei, 232 Rutger, Aron, 43 Sabbatai Zevi, 8, 79, 118, 119, 232 Sabbataian Movement, 234 Sabbath, Defence of the, 238 Safad, 33 Salomons, Sir David, 57, 62, 154-8 ; ? Sir Julian, 221 Salvador, Francis (Daniel), 131 ; ? Mrs. Francis (Sarah), 131, 146 ; ? Joseph (Paris), 55 Samuel, George, 70 ; ? Peter, see Abraham bar Samuel ; ? Sir Saul, 221; ? Sir Stuart, 158 ; ? Mr. Wilfred S., 227 Sandys, Bishop, 103 Saul, Chief Rabbi, of Amsterdam, 35 Scaliger, Joseph, 204, 205 Scambler, Edmund, 105 Scandinavia, 7 Schechter, Solomon, 213, 216 Schiff, Mr. Otto, 23 Schocken Institute, The, 213 Scotus, Duns, see Duns Scotus Sebag, Isaac, 152 Sebastian, Don, 164 Seiden, John, 75, 205, 207 Sephardim, The, 8, 152 Sermons, Anti-Jewish, 32 Shaftesbury, Earl of (Lord Ashley), 56, 57, 59 Shakespeare, 104-5, 109 Shalom, Rabbi Solomon, 37, 42, 45 Sherif Pasha, 48, 49, 51, 55, 58, 65, 67, 69 Siegele, Le, 63. Simon, Lazarus, 150 Simons, Henry, 149-151 Slesser, Lord Justice, 165, 166 Smith, John (Cambridge divine), 99 Sokolow, Nahum, 101, 120</page><page sequence="6">252 INDEX Sola, David Aaron de, 148 n. Soldiers, Jewish, 2 Soliman, Sultan, 93 Solomon, Levy, 152 ; ? Myer, 152 Sou they, Mrs. Robert, 140 Spain, 9, 32-3, 152 Spencer, Herbert, 230 ; ? John, 99 Stiebel, Sir Arthur, 20 Strickland, Agnes, 227 Stuterville, Sir Martin, 118 Taafe, Theobald, 151 Tallages, 91-5 Talmud, The, 31 Teddington, 129 Terni, Daniel, 224 Territorialism, 235 Thiers, 8, 56, 62, 63, 65, 66, 70 Thirty Years War, 116 Tidmarsh, Richard, 55 Times, The, 47, 54-6, 59, 60, 162 n. Times Literary Supplement, 122 Tinoco, Manuel Luis, 172-6, 178, 180, 182-4 Toland, John, 188 Tomlin, Lord, 162 Tommaso, Father, 47-51, 55, 58, 61, 65, 66, 71 Tor ah, 29 Torres, Francisco, 176 Toulmin, Camilla, 144 Trachtenberg, Dr. Joshua, 32 Trade, English Jews and, 89 Traders, Jewish, 4 Traske, John, 115 Treby, Sir George, 154 Tremellius, John Immanuel, 105 Trevelyan, G. M., 102 Turkey, Jews of, 7, 10 Twickenham, 129-135 Ukraine, The, 7 Unemployed Council, Central, 22 Union of Jewish Literary Societies, 237 United Synagogue, 18 Usury, Prohibition of, 89 Vertue, George, 134 Victoria, Queen, 61, 71 " Villena, Inez," 139 Viner, Sir Thomas, 82 Vogel, Sir Julius, 221 Voice of Jacob, The, 141, 143, 144 Volkspartei, 234 Voskhod, 232, 233 Waad, 171, 173, 175-7, 183 m Waidegrave, Earl, 130 Walpole, Horace, 129, 130, 132-4 Walsingham, Sir Francis, 167, 168, 172 War and Jewish History, 1-10 Wars, English, 2 War beck, Perkin, 121, 126 Well y. Williams, 74-5 Wherry (Werry), N. W., 49-54, 58-9 Whiston, William, 109, 120 Wilde, Dr. George, 85 Wilkinson, Sir John, 67 Willes, Lord Chief Justice, 76 Willet, Andrew, 106 William V, Stadtholder, II ; ? of Newbury, 214 ; ? of Occam, 105 Wire, David Williams, 62, 67, 68 Wolf, Lucien, 12, 77, 78 n., 121, 163, 169, 226 Wollaston, William, 185-211 Woodhouse, A. S. P., 103 Wycliffe, John, 105 Yiddish, 3, 6, 231, 233 ; ? Scientific Institute, 233 Yomtob of Joigny, 214, 215 York, Martyrs of, 190, 213-6 Zalman, Rabbi Israel Meshullam, 35-6 Zionism, 235 Zionist Congress, 161 ; ? Movement, 158-162 Zunz, 213, 214, 215, 232</page></plain_text>