Index to Transactions 1 to 12 and Miscellanies 1
Rev.Michael Adler
<plain_text><page sequence="1">index to the contents of " transactions." 107 13 INDEX TO THE CONTENTS OF THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY Volumes I to XII AND MISCELLANIES PART I Aaron of Lincoln .... Abendana, Isaac .... Admission of Jews to Parliament: Sir I. L. Goldsmid Alfred, King, and the Mosaic Law . American Elements in the Re-Settlement . Amsterdam, Jews of (1655) Amy Levy .... Anglo-Jewish History, A Plea for: . Anglo-Jewish History, A Survey of . Anglo-Jewish Historiography Anglo-Jewish History, Typical Character of. Anglo-Jewish Song Writers Anglo-Judaica .... Anglo-Swiss Diplomacy, The Jewish Question in ... Ashkenazi, R. Zevi, in London Baal Shem, The, of London Baal Shem .... Bacon, Roger: Medieval English Hebraists . Barlow, Bishop, on the "Case of the Jews" Bodleian Bowl, Note on Bristol, Pre-Expulsion Jews of British Museum, Anglo-Judaica in the Cata lope of Hebrew Manuscripts Calendars of the Coaching Days Canterbury, Jews of Pre-Expulsion,. Canterbury Synagogue . . . "Case of the Jews," Barlow Joseph Jacobs, iii, 157 I. Abrahams, viii, 98: x, 221 B. L. Abrahams, iv, 116 Felix Liebermann, vi, 21 Luden Wolf, iii, 76 Elkan N. Adler, iv, 224 Beth Zion Lask, xi, 168 Luden Wolf (P.), i, 1 Hermann Adler (P.), iii, 1 8. Levy (P.), vi, 1 Joseph Jacobs (P.), iii, 126 F. L. Cohen, ii, 1 H. Gollancz (P.), vi, 56 M. Lipton, x, 207 David Kaufmann, iii, 102 Hermann Adler, v, 148 G. P. G. Hills, viii, 122 S. A. Hirsch (P.), vii, 1 8. Levy, iii, 151 /. Abrahams, v, 184, Misc. i Michael Adler, xii, 117 I. Abrahams, Misc. lxxv Maurice Myers, v, 219 Michael Adler, vii, 19 Frank Haes, iv, 220 8. Levy, iii, 151 (P) Presidential Address.</page><page sequence="2">108 MISCELLANIES, Carvajal, Antonio Fernandez, First English Jew Luden Wolf, ii, 14 Carvajal, Maria Fernandez de Close Rolls (1279-1288) Extracts from Close Rolls (1289-1368) Extracts from Coats of Arms, Anglo-Jewish Colonial Commerce .... Community, Anglo-Jewish, Reflections upon Coral Trade, Jews and Coronations, Jews and Cromwell's Toleration Crypto-Jews under the Commonwealth Crypto-Jews in the Canaries Cumberland, Richard "Cyphon, Theodore" Deacon and the Jewess, The Deacon and the Jewess, The Dickens, Charles and Eliza Davis . Disraeli, Benjamin, and Mrs. Brydges Willyams Disraeli Family, The Domus Conversorum, The Domus Conversorum, The History of the, 1290-1891 .... Dublin, Jewish Cemetery at Ballybrough in Dury, John and the English Jewry . Dutch Burial Ground and its English Con? nections, A East Anglia, Ramble in Elizabeth, Queen; The Jewish Monarch and Elizabethan England, Jews in Emancipation of the Jews, An English Voice on Emancipation, Jubilee of, Political Emancipation, Some MS. Sidelights on Anglo-Jewish Exchequer Receipts from the English Jewry, Records of ... Expulsion, Condition of the Jews of England at Francis Francia . . . Gascon Rolls .... Gaunse, Joachim .... Georges, First Four, Hebrew Loyalty under. Goldsmid, Sir I. L. and Admission of Jews of England to Parliament . Gollancz, Sir Hermann Gordon, Lord George, Conversion to Judaism Grant, Robert, Bill, 1830 . Luden Wolf, Misc. xviii A. Corcos, iv, 202 H. P. Stokes, Misc. vi Luden Wolf, ii, 153 A, M. Friedenberg, Misc. xxiii H. 8. Q. Henriques (P.), ix, 131 Luden Wolf, Misc. xxxvi 8. Singer, v, 79 Frederick Harrison, iii, 101 Luden Wolf, i, 55 Luden Wolf, vii, 97 L. Zangwill, vii, 147 /. Abrahams, Misc. xli I. Abrahams, vi, 254 F. W. Maitland, vi, 260 /. Solomons, Misc. iv Luden Wolf, Misc. xx Luden Wolf, v, 202 C. Trice Martin, i, 15 Michael Adler, iv, 16 B. Shillman, xi, 143 8. Levy, iv. 76 Isidore Harris, vii, 113 H. Gollancz, ii, 106 I. Abrahams, iv, 222 Luden Wolf (P.), xi, 1 H. Hirschfeld, vi, 128 vi, 88 Maurice Myers, vi, 240 Hilary Jenkinson, viii, 19 B. L. Abrahams, ii, 76 M. Lipton, xi, 190 C. Trice Martin, ii, 169 I. Abrahams, iv, 83 /. Abrahams, ix, 103 B. L. Abrahams, iv, 116 H. Loewe, xii, 263 /. Solomons, vii, 222 jf. Abrahams, vi, 249</page><page sequence="3">INDEX TO THE CONTENTS OF " TRANSACTIONS." 109 Hebra Guemilut Hasadim, London, 1678 Hebraists, First Record of Medieval English Hebrew Books, Purchase of, by The English Parliament .... Hebrew Elegies on English Monarchs Hebrew Elegy, A . Hebrew Melody in the Concert Room Hebrew Treasures of England Henriques, H. S. Q. Hereford, Debts and Houses of, (1290) Historical Notes, Some Historiography, Anglo-Jewish Hugh, St., of Lincoln, Little LA. Ibn Ezra in England Ireland, Jews of Ireland, Ballybrough Cemetery, Dublin Jacobs, Joseph. Memorial Meeting . Jacobs, Joseph, Bibliography of Jew BiU, The, of 1763 Jew Bill, The, of 1753, Satirical and Political Prints ..... Jew Bill, A supposed Jewish Conspiracy in 1753 ..... Jewish Aid to Marry, 1221 Jewish Historical Society, Origin of Jewish History .... Jewish History, Science of . Jewish Types, Racial Origins of Josippon in England Jubilee, The, of Political Emancipation Kimchi, Jacob and Shalom Buzaglo Law-Cases, A Note on some Anglo-Jewish . Lehman-Goldsmid Litigation Leicester Jewry, The Leone da Modena and England Lincoln, 1898 . Lincoln, Aaron of . Literary History of Pre-Expulsion Jews Looking Backward?Looking Forward Lopez, Dr. Ruy, The So-called Conspiracy of Lord Chancellor, Can a Jew be? Lost Tribes and the Return of the Jews to England ..... Luzzatto, Ephraim .... L. D. Barnett, x, 258 8. A. Hirsch (P.), vii, 1 I. Abrahams and G. E. Sayle, viii, 63 Elkan N. Adler, ii, 141 8. Schechter, i, 8 F. L. Cohen, ii, 7 Elkan N. Adler (P.), viii, 1 Luden Wolf, xi, 247 B. L. Abrahams, i, 136 C. H. Firth, iv, 194 8. Levy, vi, 1 Joseph Jacobs, i, 89 C. G. Montefiore, xi, 239 M. Friedl?nder, ii, 47 L. H?hner, v, 226 B. Shillman, xi, 143 viii, 129 /. Abrahams, viii, 150 A. M. Hyamson, vi, 156 J. Solomons, vi, 205 8. Levy, vi, 234 H. M. Chew, xi, 92 Luden Wolf, (P.), vii, 206 F. D. Mocatta (P.), iv, 110 I. Abrahams (P.), v, 193 R. N. Salaman (P.), ix, 163 Luden Wolf, vi, 277 vi, 88 G. Duchinsky, vii, 272 A. M. Friedenberg, vi, 247 H. 8. Q. Henriques, Misc. xlv 8. Levy, v, 34 Cecil Roth, xi, 206 Frank Haes, iii, 180 Joseph Jacobs, iii, 157 A. Marmorstein, xii, 103 Gustave Tuck (P.), xii, 253 Martin Hume, v, 32 H. 8. Q. Henriques, viii, 55 A. M. Hyamson, v, 115 Nina Salaman, ix, 85</page><page sequence="4">110 MISCELLANIES. Malta, Jews of Menasseh ben Israel, A Homage to . Menasseh ben Israel's Study in London Menasseh ben Israel, A Letter of Menasseh ben Israel, Marriage Banns of Mocatta Library, Opening of, 1906 Mocatta Library and Museum, History of Moyse Hall, Bury St. Edmunds Moyse Hall Moyse Hall, Report of Sub-Committee on Cecil Roth, xii, 187 Hermann Adler, i, 25 Luden Wolf, iii, 144 Elkan N. Adler, v, 174 8. Levy, x, 255 v, 65 Gustave Tuck (P.), xii, 253 Frank Haes, iii, 18 H. Gollancz, iii, 25 iii, 33 Nation or Religious Community? Netherbury Tombstone Nieto, Haham David Nieto, Haham David Northampton "Donum," 1194 Norwich, Day Book of C. G. Montefiore (P.), iv, 1 F. C. Burkitt, Misc. xxxiv M. Gaster (P.), vii, 291 /. Solomons, xii, 1 J. Abrahams, Misc. lix 8. Levy, v, 243 Oxford, Jewish Eamily of the 13th Century H. P. Stokes, x, 193 Passes issued to Jews, 1669-1676 . Pastoral Tour, First, to the Overseas Dominions .... Paul of Burgos in London Peace Banquet and Semi-Jubilee of the Society ..... Petition from Hazlemere, A Portsmouth, Jewish Congregation of, 1766 1842 ..... Prayers, Earliest Jewish, for the Sovereign . Pre-Expulsion History, Aaron of Lincoln ?, Jewish Aid to Marry, 1221 ??, King Alfred and the Mosaic Law ?, Roger Bacon ?, Jews of Bristol ?, Jews of Canterbury ?, Close RoUs, 1279-1288 ?, Close Rolls, 1289-1368 ?, Condition of the English Jews, 1290 ?, Day Book of Norwich . -?, The Deacon and the Jewess ?, Domus Conversorum ?, Domus Conversorum ?, The Economic Condition of the Jewry . ?, Exchequer Receipts of the English Jewry ?, A Jewish Family in Oxford ?, The Royal Family and the Jews J. Abrahams, Misc. xxiv J. H. Hertz, x, 149 /. Abrahams, ii, 149 ix, 1 A. M. Hyamson, Misc. ii J. 8. Meiseis, vi, 111 8. Singer, iv, 102 Joseph Jacobs, iii, 157 H. M. Chew, xi, 92 F. Liebermann, vi, 21 8. A. Hirsch (P.), y?, 1 Michael Adler, xii, 117 Michael Adler, vii, 19 A. Corcos, iv, 202 H. P. Stokes, Misc. vi B. L. Abrahams, ii, 76 8. Levy, v, 243 /. Abrahams and F. W. Mail land, vi, 254 <7. Trice Martin, i, 15 Michael Adler, iv, 16 B. L. Abrahams (P.), viii, 171 Hilary Jenkinson, viii, 19 H. P. Stokes, x, 193 H. P. Stokes (P.), viii, 153</page><page sequence="5">INDEX TO THE CONTENTS OF " TRANSACTIONS." Ill Pre-Expulsion History, Gascon Rolls ?, Jews of Hereford ?, Leicester Jewry ?, Little St. Hugh of Lincoln ?, Ibn Ezra in England ?, The Legal Position of the Jewry ?, New Material for the Literary History of the Jews .... ?, Medieval Notes .... ?, MSS. and Documents , ?, Northampton Donum, 1194 ?, Tallies and Receipt Rolls ?, Thirteenth Century Documents . ?, List of Unpublished Plea Rolls . Publications, Sub-Committee Reports upon Re-Admission of the Jews, A Contribution to the History of ... Re-Settlement, Address on the Re-Settlement, American Elements in the . Re-Settlement, Status of Jews after the Re-Settlement, New Light on the . Restoration, The Jewry of the, 1660-1664 . Return of the Jews to England and The Lost Tribes ..... Royal Family of England and Jews of the Thirteenth Century Salaman, Nina .... Sephardi Jews, Ancient Burial-Ground of . South Africa, Jewish Pioneers of South African War Memorial Spanish Jews, Some Debts the World owes to Spielmann, Sir Isidore Stokes, Canon H. P. Swiss, Anglo-, Diplomacy, The Jewish Question in ... Synagogue, First London, of the Re-Settlement C. Trice Martin, ii, 169 B. L. Abrahams, i, 136 #. Levy, v, 34 Joseph Jacobs, i, 89 M. Friedl?nder, ii, 47 C. M. Picciotto, ix, 67 A, Marmorstein, xii, 103 Hilary Jenkinson, ix, 185 H. P. Stokes (P.), viii, 78 /. Abrahams, Misc. lix Hilary Jenkinson, ix, 188 C. Trice Martin, iii, 187 Hilary Jenkinson, xii, xv viii, 189 H. Gollancz, vi, 189 Richard Garnett, iii, 72 Luden Wolf, iii, 76 Luden Wolf, iv, 177 Cecil Roth, xi, 112 Luden Wolf, v, 5 A. M, Hyamson, v, 115 H. P. Stokes (P.), viii, 153 H. Loewe, xi, 228 D. B. de Mesquita, x, 225 8. Mendelssohn, vii, 180 Sir I. Spielmann (P.), v, 43 Martin Hume, vi, 138 Ephraim Levine, xi, 233 H. Loewe, xii, 267 M. Lipton, x, 207 W. 8. Samuel, x, 1 Tallies and Receipt Rolls . . . Hilary Jenkinson, ix, 188 Taxation, Special, of the Jews, Proposals for H. 8. Q. Henriques (P.), ix, 39 Thirteenth Century Documents . . C. Trice Martin, iii, 187 Translations and Translators, Early, of the Jewish Liturgy in England . . 8. Singer, iii, 36 Wanderings of the Jews, The Warbeck, Perkin, and his Jewish Master Whitehall Conference, Celebration of 250th Anniversary of * . the F. D. Mocatta (P.), Cecil Roth, ix, 143 v, 1 v, 276</page><page sequence="6">112 MISCELLANIES. Whitehall Conference, American Celebration of v, 299 Willyams, Mrs. Brydges and Benjamin Disraeli Luden Wolf, Misc. xx York, Clifford's Tower . . . Frank Raes, iv, 230 Zangwill, Israel .... Luden Wolf, xi, 252 INDEX OF AUTHORS Abrahams, Sir B. Lionel, i, ii, iv, viii Abrahams, Dr. Israel, ii, iv, v, vi, viii, ix. Misc. Adler, Elkan N., ii, iv, v, viii Adler, Dr. Hermann (Chief Rabbi), i, iii, v Adler, Rev. Michael, iv, vii, xii Barnett, Dr. L. D., x Burkitt, F. C, Misc. Chew, Miss H. M., xi Cohen, Rev. F. L., ii Corcos, Miss A., iv Duchinsky, Dr. C, vii Firth, C. H., iv Eriedenberg, A. M., vi. Misc. Friedl?nder, Dr. M., ii Garnett, Dr. R., iii Gaster, Haham Dr. M., vii Gollancz, Rabbi Sir H,, ii, iii, vi Haes, Frank, iii, iv Harris, Rev. Isidore, vii Harrison, F., iii Henriques, H. S. Q., viii, ix. Misc. Hertz, Dr. J. H. (Chief Rabbi), x Hills, G. P. G., viii Hirsch, Dr. S. A., vii Hirschfeld, Dr. H., vi H?hner, L., v Hume, Major Martin, v, vi Hyamson, A. M., v, vi. Misc. Jacobs, Dr. Joseph, i, iii Jenkinson, Hilary, viii, ix, xii. Kaufmann, Dr. D., iii Lask, Miss Beth Zion, xi Levine, Rev. E., xi Levy, Rev. S., iii, iv, v, vi, x Liebermann, F., vi Lipton, M., x, xi Loewe, H., xii Maitland, F. W., vi Marmorstein, Dr. A., xii Meisels, Rev. I. S., vi Mendelssohn, S., vi Mesquita, Rev. B. de M., x Mocatta, F. D., iv, v Montefiore, C. G., iv, xi Myers, Maurice, v, vi Picciotto, C. M., ix Roth, Dr. Cecil, ix, xi, xii Salaman, Mrs. Nina, ix Salaman, Dr. R. N., ix Samuel, Wilfred S., x Sayle, C. E., viii Schechter, Dr. S., i Shillman, B., xi Singer, Rev. S., iii, iv, v Solomons, Israel, vi, vii, xii. Misc. Spielmann, Sir I., v. Stokes, Canon Dr. H. P., viii, x. Misc. Trice Martin, C, i, ii, iii Tuck, Gustave, xii Wolf, Lucien, i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, xi. Misc. Zangwill, L., vii M.A.</page></plain_text>