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Contributors and Back Matter Vol 47 2

<plain_text><page sequence="1">notes on submissions to Jeurish Historical Studies: Transactions of the Jeurish Historical Society o/England, and to other Society publications Jewish Historical Studies: Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England (hereafter referred to as Transactions) formerly published primarily papers presented to the Society in London and its branches. Beginning in 2012, Transactions has published in addition substantial scholarly contributions that are subject to a process of blind peer review, generally by two academic referees. It will continue to publish book reviews and review essays, as well as reviews of films, theatrical produc- tions, and other events relevant to the JHSE. Transactions welcomes articles of interest to both academic and general audiences focusing on the history of the Jews in the English-speaking world. While our goal is to preserve the character ofTransactions, the larger objective is to secure the long-term future of the JHSE by appealing to a broader public, with the aim of attracting the next generation of members. Manuscript Submission All manuscripts for consideration should be e-mailed as an attachment in an MS Word file to Michael Berkowitz at Substantialarticles,ofaround 8000 words, as well as other submissions, should conform to the Chicago Manual o/Style, ed. 15. (This is a departure from previous policy.) The entire manuscript (including footnotes) should be double-spaced and pages must be numbered consecutively. Authors of accepted articles will be asked to prepare a final version in accordance with the style ofTransactions and to submit it as an email attachment. Footnotes should be reserved for references only. There is an important exception to the guidelines of the Chicago Manual: in the text and footnotes, please place close-quotation marks before any related punctuation, unless the quotation is a complete sentence. This is British practice, buta good one. Examples: Salomons suggested it be called "a peace congress". Jewish Historical Studies, volume 47, 2015 255</page><page sequence="2">256 NOTES ON SUBMISSIONS "Israelis have developed a normal life", wrote Berlin in 1975. Quotations should appear in English, in double inverted commas (this is a change from previous practice). Quotations within quotations should be in single inverted commas. Longer quotations - of about 100 words or ten typed lines - should be indented, preceded and followed by an empty line, and without inverted commas. Words omitted in the course of a quotation should be indicated by three full stops (periods). If the end of a sentence is omitted, four full stops (periods) should be used. Square brackets (parentheses) should be placed round comments inserted by the author in a quotation. a. Figures Figures must be ready for photographic reproduction. Charts and graphs must be professionally prepared and computer-generated on a laser printer, in black ink on white paper, and should remain legible after a 50% reduction. Photographs and reproductions of works of art must be high-quality and high-resolution. These must be submitted in separ- ate electronic files of not less than 1 MB each. All labels and details on figures must be clearly printed. Authors are required to obtain rights and permission for all images and to supply full captions with necessary credits. b. Citations of texts With the exceptions listed above, Transactions follows the documentation guidelines as set out in the Chicago Manual o/Style, ed. 15 . All notes should appear as footnotes (that is, not as in the "Harvard" or social-science style of references). If there is a specific style for work cited from archival sources, such style will be respected. Please do, however, be consistent. The titles ofworks not in English should appear in the original language or in transliteration. All titles of works in Hebrew, Yiddish and other Jewish languages should appear in transliteration, with only the first word of the article and proper names capitalized. The shortened version of edited by (ed.), translated by (trans.), and compiled by (comp.) are preferred. Please include first names of authors where known. Publication details: (place: publisher, date) is preferred to (place, date). Please note that this is a change from earlier practice.</page><page sequence="3">NOTES ON SUBMISSIONS 257 When citing a note, the page number should be listed first followed by n. and the note number: 20 n. 17. c. Some examples of books Stuart A. Cohen, English Zionists and British Jews: The Communal Politics 0/ Anglo-Jewry, 1895-1920 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1982). short form after first use: Cohen, English Zionists, 39. Ada Rapoport-Albert and Steven J. Zipperstein, eds., Jeuúsh History: Essays in Honour o/ChimenAbramsky (London: Peter Halban, 1988). Lloyd P. Gartner, "Jewish Historiography in the United States and Britain", in Jewish History: Essays in Honour 0/ Chimen Abramsky, ed. Ada Rapoport- Albert and Steven J. Zipperstein (London: Peter Halban, 1988), 199-227. short form after first use: Gartner, "Jewish Historiography", 202. ¿.Journals David Conway, "John Braham: from meshorrer to tenor", Jewish Historical Studies: Transactions o/the Jewish Historical Society of England 41 (2007): 37-61. short form after first use: Conway, "John Braham", 42. e. Theses and dissertations Milton Gold, "Nordau on Defeneration: A Study of the Book and its Cultural Significance" (PhD diss., Columbia University, 1957), 108-17. Authors'copies Authors will receive a pdf of their article, in addition to a print copy of the journal. Statement concerning copyright Submission of an article is taken to imply that it has not been previously published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Authors must obtain written permission for material for which they do not own copyright. A Copyright Transfer Agreement, with certain specified rights reserved by the author, must be signed and returned to the editor by authors of accepted manuscripts prior to publication. This is necessary for the protection of both author and the Society under copyright law.</page></plain_text>

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