The political turmoil that we have been living through has moved many to ask historical questions: about the Constitution, about the place of the monarchy in our politics, and about the standards we expect in public life. Commentators and citizens alike, turn to history for comparisons and good examples. History frames all our attempts to make judgements, and imagine alternatives.
At JHSE we have been busy in recent weeks welcoming new members to our New Generation Group at the start of the academic year. After an October Welcome meeting we started November with a meeting between NGG members and a representative of the new editors of our Journal. Shirli Gilbert elaborated the vision of a journal that explored the lives of Jews across the English-speaking world; we all know how deep are the histories of migration across the oceans between Britain, the US, Australia, New Zealand and many countries of the Commonwealth.
New books by wonderful historians are an occasion for celebration, so I hope you will join me on 17 November 2022 to hear Professor Todd Endelman discuss his new book. Just sign up here.

We will have a chance to meet in person, and over a glass of wine or juice, on 28 November 2022, at 6.30, on the Queen Mary campus, just a short walk from Mile End tube. On this occasion we will be celebrating the publication of a volume of translated journalism by Russian - many Jewish - journalists, reporting from East London. It will be a pleasure to meet some of you in person. A recording will be made available soon after for the benefit of those of you who cannot attend. Just sign up here if you wish to attend.
We continue to work with our partner organisations to plan events - in person when possible - of shared interest, and will inform you about our progress.
Hoping to see you in person on 28 November, and to hearing from you with suggestions and ideas.
And wishing you and yours all the best.
Miri Rubin, President of the Jewish Historical Society
