The original Regency house at Nymans (Messel Family Archive)
The Leo Baeck Institute London and the German Historical Institute London, with the support of the Jewish Country Houses Project (University of Oxford) warmly invite you to: German Jews, English Gentry: The Messel Family and the Cultural Expression of a Changing Identity, a special lecture by John Hilary, Author and Hon. Professor, University of Nottingham.
Thursday, June 29th 2023
6.30pm (UK time)
at the German Historical Institute London
or join us online via Zoom at the appointed date and time by clicking
The distinguished German-Jewish Messel family made a home at the famous country house and gardens at Nymans, Sussex, in the late 19th century. The lecture explores how this artistic family went on to translate their German-Jewish cultural heritage into the British social context.
John Hilary is an honorary professor at the University of Nottingham and author of From Refugees to Royalty: The Remarkable Story of the Messel Family of Nymans (Peter Owen, 2021). An affiliate of the Jewish Country Houses project run out of the University of Oxford, he co-edited a special issue of the Journal of the History of Collections in 2022 on the theme of ‘Bildung Beyond Borders: German-Jewish Collectors Outside Germany, c.1870–1940’.
For further information on this lecture please visit the Leo Baeck website.
Admission is free but places must be reserved in advance by contacting info@leobaeck.co.uk or booking via Eventbrite