Spring is with us, and with it hope of sorts. It was a cold and still wintry Easter, but Passover looks to be in full spring this year.
The JHSE holding its usual activities, with a variety of interesting online lectures, and other community activities.
On Wednesday,10 April, 2024 you can join the Essex branch in person and online to hear about Zion Mule Corps, the first Jewish unit in the British Army:
And on Thursday, 11 April 2024, join us to hear about the Venice Ghetto. Those of us who had the privilege of seeing the recent Merchant of Venice 1936, will be particularly interested to hear more about the neighbourhood in which Shakespeare set his play:
On 9 May 2024, 6-8pm, we will be co-hosting - in person - Professor Shmuel Feiner (Bar Ilan University), as part of the Anniversary Year special events, at Kings College London. He will be speaking about his new book, and the topic is: The Jewish Eighteenth Century and the Transformative Year 1782. It will be lovely to see members at the lecture, and to chat at the reception that follows.
The Trustees have been mobilised to express objections to the development proposed next to the Bevis Marks Synagogue. Its is important that the Planning Committee consider many voices about this development that will overshadow (literally) this historic site and change its character altogether. The following link will offer information, and guidance as to how to write in to object: https://protectbevismarks.co.uk/
Wishing you all the best and looking forward to seeing you in person as well as on screen.
Miri Rubin, President of the JHSE
