In space nobody can hear you scream, but they can hear you kvetch.’ From Leonard Nimoy’s Vulcan salute to the Soviet cosmonaut, from Levi Ben Gerson to William Herschel and Carl Sagan, Jews have made a contribution to all things astronomical.
Tony Zendle has gathered together many of the stories that relate to Jews’ involvement; their role in science fiction; as astronauts; as astronomers, and the talk will reflect that, but more than that you will learn about how salt beef and bagels went into space, about the Nazi Daleks, and along the way some issues that have clouded the fictional element of the tales.
Tony’s latest book is “Counting the Stars”, a book of two halves. Real Jews in Real Space, and Unreal Jews in Unreal Space.
Real Jews – the astronomers who opened up, and continue to explore our understanding of the Cosmos; the people who enabled man to go to Space, both Russian and American. Unreal Jews – Space Opera, Space Theatre, and not just Star Trek and Spock’s salute, but also Dr Who, and the Jewish authors of science fiction; indeed the man who coined the term science fiction.
When: 21st October
Time: 20.00 BST
Where: online
To register for tickets:
