This year many who celebrate Passover approached this much loved festival with a heavy heart. Its guiding theme of freedom, the joy of telling the story of Exodus seemed overshadowed by the months of worry that many members have felt. Hence I did not write my usual message in this more subdued mood, though I am sure those who celebrated were creative and sensitive in their Seders.
The JHSE is more active than ever. I have just heard that our call for awards in support of research - individual, in groups, or community-based - has attracted some 30 applicants.
Our New Generation Group (NGG) will be holding its first in-person conference on 20 May 2024 with support from the JHSE and Queen Mary University of London.
Later this month we will be celebrating a joyous anniversary: 200 years of the Brighton congregation. A full day of events is planned for 19 May 2024, and the details are here:
this should be a wonderful event, and well worth the travel. Our Trustee Michael Crook has been working with others to make this a very special event.
Another of our Anniversary events,in collaboration with King's College London, will take place next week, on 9 May 2024, 6pm. The speaker is Professor Shmuel Feiner, Emeritus of Bar-Ilan University, and President of the Israel Historical. He will offer a panoramic view of Jews in Europe in 1782; why that year? Sign up and find out:
I was so looking forward to the event, but shall have to miss it due to an eye operation just two days earlier (this will also mean that I will be somewhat slow in answering your emails during the days of recovery).
The Liverpool Old Hebrew Congregation is also looking to a big anniversary later this year, and this is in planning. I shall share details when they are ready.

Last night I spent a very pleasant evening at the Tower of London where I was in conversation with Charles Farris, a research who has been leading the Tower's efforts of including the experiences of medieval Jews among its stories. Jews were protected in the Tower during riots, and were held there when the king sought to extract payments. A complex and rich history which is now available on their website:
Our development group among the Trustees has been working on ways to serve members with interesting new events. We are thinking of series of three themed lectures, on a subject that can be communicated in greater length. One was 'Jewish Childhood in the East End'. send me your ideas for such mini series, so we can try and realise them.
It will be a busy May, and I wish you all the best. Stay in touch.
Miri Rubin, President fo the Jewish Historical society.