JHSE Awards
The JHSE Awards Committee invite applications for grants amounting to a maximum of £4,000 each to facilitate research and publication on topics related to the history of Anglo-Jewry and its wider context.
A total of £20,000 may be awarded each calendar year.
All are eligible to apply, including professional and lay scholars, PhD students, communal organisations, museums, libraries and archives.
Applications should not exceed four A4 pages and should contain the following elements:
a short CV, including a list of publications, if relevant, and highlighting previous experience and skills that are relevant to the project
the title and brief description of the project
a statement of the underlying research questions, the proposed methodology and the anticipated outcome
the total amount sought, broken down into individual items
if relevant – a statement of matching funds sought or obtained
Applications should be addressed to the Society’s Honorary Secretary and may be submitted each year between the beginning of January and the end of April. The outcome will be published at the end of July.
Successful applicants will acknowledge the financial support of the Society in any published outcome of their project, and may be invited to lecture to the Society or to publish a report on it in the Society’s publication Jewish Historical Studies.