About Jewish Historical Studies: A Journal of English-Speaking Jewry
Jewish Historical Studies: A Journal of English-Speaking Jewry, formerly known as Transactions, began in 1893-94, and is now published under the aegis of UCL Press. The Society has had a longstanding association with UCL (University College London), the first university in England to welcome Jews, unequivocally, as students and faculty. While the appearance of the journal has been somewhat irregular (a few world wars and various crises happened to intervene), it is notable for featuring original scholarship in Jewish history, texts, literary studies, and reviews of books from medieval to modern Jewish history, long before "Judaic (Jewish) Studies" came to connote an academic field. Its emphasis was, and continues to be, Anglo-Jewish, or British-Jewish history. The remit of the journal, now an annual, will increasingly encompass Jews in the English-speaking world more generally, especially since Shirli Gilbert, Adam Mendelsohn, and Avril Alba have assumed the editorship. Recent issues have included symposia on subjects such as the Kindertransport and internment of refugees in Britain, and extensive reflections on major scholars such as David Cesarani, Ada Rapoport-Albert, Jonathan Steinberg, and Antony Polonsky.
Starting with volume 44 a standardised, double-blind peer-review process was introduced along with an editorial board. Since volume 47, Transactions has been open-access to scholars world-wide. Articles from earlier editions are available to JHSE members though the Society's website.
Please contact Cecile Jeanne Esther Guigui for information about submission to Jewish Historical Studies: A Journal of English-Speaking Jewry.